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  • Atit Gandhi

Top 5 Post-Pandemic Leadership Qualities

The pandemic has changed the face of business. With over 70% of companies experiencing reduced cash flows, lakhs of Indians have either temporarily or permanently lost their jobs. Mayhem and uncertainty grips almost every aspect of our life and Covid-19 has been a jolt that might take years to normalize. Yet, change is inevitable and a leader must adapt to transformation quickly. New opportunities have been created with the world going digital. Here are the top 5 skills that successful leaders must exhibit post-pandemic.

1. Non-data-backed decision-making - The scope of decisions that today’s leaders are expected to make has widened. From big picture strategy to impeccable execution, re-inventing technology and motivating teams, leaders to have their plates full. In a critically difficult business environment where safety and well-being precede profit, the pressure of making mindful and correct decisions is high. Besides, unlike other crisis the pandemic has left leaders without numbers, employing business acumen and gut feeling as tools for judgment.

2. Empathy – In stressful times being compassionate and empathetic helps in preventing burnout. Leaders who lead from the heart instead of the mind come a long way. It is critical to step outside the numerical yardstick of measurements, remove bias and actively listen to the team and then act. By revisiting the foundational needs that form the basis of the employer-employee relationship — physical safety, psychological security, job stability, and flexibility — one can create trust and empathy as a part of the corporate culture.

3. Workability – 2020 and 2021 have brought the greatest lessons of ‘Bend it Like Beckham’. Navigating the business in these tough months has been an ultimate crash course in flexibility. Between dealing with revamped organizational structures and work timings, digital collaborations and wafer-thin margins reprioritizing has become an essential skill for effective leadership. Leaders no longer have the luxury of sleeping over decisions. In the face of the storm, it is essential to be prepared for the unexpected and innovate to survive.

4. Health First – The well-being of employees has always been the prerogative of a leader but today, it is ensuring the safety, security and good health for extended families also. In prolonged periods of trouble, like the pandemic times, physical and mental health are both highly compromised. Leaders are expected to give space and time to their teams to deal with personal challenges. After all, allowing anxiety to grow has a strong negative manifestation through low morale, reduced productivity, absenteeism, and even increased mistakes and accidents. By being a pillar of strength for employees drives a sense of loyalty for leaders ultimately building stronger companies and communities for times to come.

5. Upskilling & Collaboration – Successful leaders tread on an unknown path with confidence and conviction. It is essential to keep the team motivated through ensuring opportunities for upskilling and a passion to think out-of-the-box. Often, leaders push their people out of the habit of mediocrity to drive excellence. It is smart to experiment with unique collaborations and teamwork to do a job differently.

For the pessimist, the glass looks half empty but for a leader, the pandemic has brought the greatest opportunity of all times – Survival! It has created a new ethos of humanity that thrives on grit and spirit on which each member of the Montage Group operates on.

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