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  • Atit Gandhi

Top 4 Habits of Good Leaders Under Pressure

Whether you’re the CEO of your organization or a parent at home there is a leadership role that you are playing at all times, which has a measurable and significant impact and outcome. In tough times, like the pandemic, the difference between ordinary and greatness is one’s ability to absorb the pressure and maintain composure when life seems out of control. It is highly admirable for people in leadership positions to keep calm and remain in control when everything around them is falling like a pack of cards. In the last 16 months, people have been compelled to lead a life out of the ordinary. While some faced acute depression and disappointment there were a few others who tread this unknown rocky path with courage and commitment. Here are the top 4 habits that good leaders exhibit under pressure and do what they’re supposed to – guiding the way!

1. Create a network to combat trouble – In a crisis, leaders must decentralize ideation and reach out to their team for support. The important job is to step out of the sticky situation and resume stability without the worry of maintaining strict top to bottom protocol. In regular emergencies, most companies have identified a command-and-control structure that does the job but in the face of sheer uncertainty, a good leader places faith in his small network of trusted executives for quick-thinking and decision-making.

2. Showing Empathy – There’s nothing more reassuring than having someone who acknowledges your problems and supports you in tough times. Especially true in the pandemic when most people have feared for their well-being and that of their families, leaders who have placed their humane values at the top have been the most effective. You cannot expect a profit when the question is about human survival. A good leader who changes goals and upholds compassion makes a positive difference in people’s lives and earns true loyalty.

3. Transparency & Regular Communication – With crisis comes speculation. When everything is falling apart and the cookie clearly crumbling, a leader who reaches out to his team on a consistent basis with true and transparent facts and figures and company policies and plans even though not in the favour of employees still ends up being respected in the long-run. He is the captain of the ship who must take tough calls to ensure they sail back to still waters. Besides, communications shouldn’t stop once the impact of the trouble has worn off. It is reassuring to keep sharing an optimistic, realistic outlook on employees and other stakeholders, encouraging them to participate in the company’s recovery.

4. Invest in Self – The human body releases a large amount of cortisol in acute stress causing physical and mental damage. If the mind is unable to maintain poise, the high pressure can trigger the free, fight, or flight response whereby the actions and reactions leave a long-lasting negative outcome. In such a situation a leader must first help himself/ herself by keeping a check on his physiological and psychological well-being. Regular exercise, yoga, meditation and breathing techniques help in elevating lifestyle and building true resilience.

As per an old saying, Tough times don’t last, tough people, do. The Covid-19 has been a trying time for leaders in every sector across the globe but it also presents a never-before opportunity to explore one’s grit, determination and intuition to emerge victorious and true leaders!

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