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  • Atit Gandhi

6 Corporate Lessons that Cricket Teaches Us

In India cricket is a religion that supersedes caste, culture and geography. There is no greater inspiration than our Men in Blue be it in any walk of life. From social conduct to sportsmanship, endurance to patience we learn several important lessons of life from the game. Cricket also throws up any exciting insights for businesses to learn from and integrate into their professional lives. With the historic 2020 tour of Australia and the on-going home tour of England in 2021, I am intrigued with what cricket has taught me about corporate leadership.

1. The Right People Mix

Having a go-getter captain does not guarantee a match win. It takes the right men to do the right job to create a consistently performing strong team. Each player has a pre-decided role that needs to be performed at the right time of the match. The whole unit rising to the occasion under the dynamic leadership of the captain can ascertain a positive outcome. Similarly, in the corporate world delegation is the key to ensure each employee’s potential is recognized, acknowledged and maximized for cumulative success. A great leader’s job is to present the right opportunity for the right person at the right time to let him do the job.

2. Acclimatize & Action

Conditions never remain the same be it in a game of cricket or the business arena. Every match requires adjustment to new weather conditions, quality of the pitch, the potential of opponents etc. Similarly, business conditions need quick adaptation too. The companies that embrace change and re-strategize quickly are the ones that emerge victoriously.

3. Respect the Format

In cricket, there are several formats of the game. Test matches test the perseverance and patience of players, one-day internationals re-orient the concept of victory and style of play whereas the T-20 format is dramatic that brings out the adrenaline rush. All three formats are deemed important and need separate skill sets and plan to excel in. Similarly, in business there are different goals that we work towards; short term- long term qualitative-quantitative, outcome-process type goals to name a few that need different styles of interjections and interventions. Overall success is determined by achievement in all aspects of the business.

4. Unexpected Action & Reaction

A good team never plays predictable cricket. There is always an element of surprise up the sleeve. A bowler can bowl a slow ball or a bouncer, swing it or throw short. He has his opponent guessing at all times and such variation pays a rich dividend. Further, a good batsman can read the bowler’s action early on and plan his stroke. Similarly, in business, it is important to keep your competitors clueless about your next move while being alert to anticipate theirs early on. This skill of action-reaction keeps all stakeholders of the team on their toes and results in sweet fruits of success.

5. Nothing can be taken for granted

Numbers and positions are as temporary as the weather. They change with every match. Similarly, in business, it is wrong to take your company status, sales figures, and research readings for granted. There is no room for complacency to creep in at any stage of business. Performance is the only indicator of real growth.

6. Setbacks set the stage for success stories

A bad day on the ground should never de-motivate you setbacks should set the stage for success stories. They should fire up your belly and make you hungry for victory. In business too, from time to time things may not go as planned. One should be ready to take ownership of the outcome and accept opportunities to learn and rebuild.

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