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  • Atit Gandhi

4 Business Lessons I’ve learned from 2020

Just like we refer to BC and AD as periods in history, henceforth we will be referring to pre 2020 and post-2020 as an important indicator of life. This last year has been a roller coaster for the whole world. Life turned upside down literally and we were forced to re-look and change our way of living in every aspect. Running a business saw a paradigm shift where on one hand the pandemic presented unthinkable challenges; on the other hand, it tested the survival of the fittest by offering new growth opportunities. As a business leader all of 2020 I have done some quick thinking, made out-of-the-box decisions and been brutally sharp to accustom to a new business environment. With health and safety concerns of employees, clients and suppliers I have burned the midnight oil ensuring we continue to serve our customers most ethically and sustainably. I’ve kept my lines of communication honest and upfront allowing building a relationship of trust with my stakeholders. Here are the 4 greatest lessons that I’ve learned from 2020.

1. The show must go on – With the pandemic hitting industries hard, we at Montage Group being an essential industry were working 24X7. Deeply concerned with the safety and sanitation of factory workers and administration staff at factories and offices who placed their complete faith serving the society we ensured there were proper PPE suits and wholesome food and strict adherence to new safety norms. I was vocal in praising the heroic efforts being exhibited by our factory workers in ensuring uninterrupted supply of basic essentials despite staring into dangerous and exhausting conditions. Caring for the people who trust me has been the greatest challenge that I have encountered so far.

2. Logistics can beat all logic – It needed meticulous planning and coordination to ensure timely deliveries, raw material supply and manpower transit to make Montage Group a force to reckon with during the pandemic. Logistics was one of the biggest hurdles for smooth operations and our team of logisticians worked relentlessly throughout 2020 to ensure that customers receive their shipments on time and the rise in demand for essentials and non-essentials are met. With different rules applicable state wise for lockdowns it was unnerving to co-ordinate with vendors for raw materials, final shipment deliveries across the length and breadth of the country and manage complications of road transportation. But we pulled it off!

3. Relationships count– In a business environment that thrives on relationships, I have come to believe that trust is the force that moves mountains. Today, I value my engagement with customers, employees and vendors that was put to test all through the lockdown but emerged with flying colours. Synergy is key to make an organisation run and with valued relationships we have set a strong business foundation for times to come.

4. It’s best to Re-boot – Working in the past is as good as digging your grave. This past year has taught me to Ctl+Alt+Del age-old tricks of the trade and start afresh. My mind is rebooted with new dimensions to survive and each decision is taken with a new thought process. I have encouraged my team to do the same. It’s liberating to offload extra baggage from the shoulders and be nimble-footed to take explore and embrace new avenues of work.

In a nutshell, 2020 taught me that no predictions and rule books govern the forces of nature. Instead of relying on what worked in the past, we must harvest an ideology resting on pillars of flexibility and resilience. Opportunism built on retaining core values makes a leader weather any storm and I’m glad a set to sail a giant ship that has overcome the storm and is moving smooth and strong.

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